Everyone Loves Math With Number Art and Shape Art!
You know our motto is "Hands On - Brain Engaged" and that is what happens when students make these projects.
Cutting out a numeral 2 provides muscle memory and small motor practice to help the student learn to write the numeral 2. Adding 2 eyes helps the child associate the numeral and the set of 2. Learning the poem as the child completes each project teaches numerical order.
Cutting out a numeral 2 provides muscle memory and small motor practice to help the student learn to write the numeral 2. Adding 2 eyes helps the child associate the numeral and the set of 2. Learning the poem as the child completes each project teaches numerical order.
Working with shapes builds visual discrimination skills that are critical when a child has to tell the difference between the letters M and W and the numbers 6 and 9. Later shapes become important in geometry and architecture.
Both of these products include file folder games to reinforce important concepts. Get free samples from each book (click here).
See videos showing at least 25 more ways to use these patterns and promote learning with mixed media (click here to visit our site, then click on Videos).
See videos showing at least 25 more ways to use these patterns and promote learning with mixed media (click here to visit our site, then click on Videos).
(click here to visit our TPT site)
From 9/2/16 through 9/5/16
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1/2 pound jar of M&M'S that say "I Love Math”
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